
“Me, I Do Wed”

Erika Anderson slowly made her way down the makeshift aisle atop an apartment building on an overcast, windswept summer evening in New York City, with […]

By Todd T. Daly


The Virus has made it clear: Fear rules our lives inordinately. A friend related how, after months of isolation, she ventured out to a special-occasion […]

By Victor Lee Austin

Corona Hermeneutics 1: Follow the Science?

Follow the Science has become the standard phrase among politicians and administrators for justifying ever stricter measures to fight the corona pandemic. Most people readily […]

By Jens Zimmermann

Teaching and Learning Moral Theology

Asked what I do for a living generates a moment of existential dread as I ponder how I should answer. I teach moral theology but […]

By D. Stephen Long

Fixing the Jericho Road

As a bioethicist, much of my work has shifted during the Covid-19 pandemic. Perhaps more than anything else, it has got me thinking about how […]

By Devan Stahl

Living Life Forward

Sam Waxforth, the main character in Christopher Beha’s recent novel, The Index of Self-Destructive Acts, is a tech-savvy young man who crunches numbers in order to […]

By Gilbert C. Meilaender