

Exodus 16 on Affording to #Stayathome 

At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, #stayathome spread on social media. However, it entails privilege. The hashtag assumes the widespread availability of housing for […]

By Ludwig Beethoven J. Noya

Is It Ethical for a Pastor to Use ChatGPT? 

Foreboding headlines describe a dystopian future where ChatGPT replaces human jobs, entices students into pervasive cheating, and finally offers a strong competitor to Google search. […]

By Dr. Kate Ott

In Praise of the Mundane

 Common Callings and Ordinary Virtues focuses on the ordinary, the quotidian, and the mundane. Why write about such a humdrum topic?  In my training as […]

By Brent Waters

Survival and Growth Through Mindful Spirituality 

Photo by Jack Moreh from Freerange Stock Stress is a prevalent form of emotional, psychological, and affective tension when we cannot control exterior situations or pressure. Because it […]

By Hamin Kwak

Ethics in Interreligious Dialogue

In spaces like seminaries, there is a tangible and growing desire to step out of our theological and pedagogical conformity. But we fail to capitalize […]

By Sanjog Patro

Decolonial Indigenous Approaches to Seminary Education 

Attempting to teach an Indigenous pedagogy in the current Western seminary approach, content differences aside, is the proverbial attempt to fit a square peg in to a round hole. There are some things that Western educators can be made aware of to help with the fit, but it will never substitute ground-level Indigenous education via decolonized and Indigenized Indigenous mentors. 

By Randy S. Woodley